
Hello, Planet GNOME! I'm Paul Kishimoto, working this summer on Getting Things GNOME! as part of Google's Summer of Code. You've already heard from Luca and Karlo, my partners in crime coding.

To complement both Karlo's web-based interface to GTG (which will let you access your tasks from anywhere) and Luca's multi-backend overhaul (which will let you store them anywhere), I will be working on a client-server separation in GTG. If you are interested, you can read details in my work plan.

The possibility of client-server separation in GTG will be largely enabled by the wonderful DBus. Accordingly, I have spent a good amount of time vacuuming down the excellent DBus documentation in an effort to get beyond being a mere hacker and to the point where I can exploit its features fully.

Once you board the bus, there are many people already on it to talk to. It also turns out that some of those people care about tasks, in similar ways to GTG!, and furthermore there are other task enthusiasts who don't yet ride the bus. So, my second work item for this week was to map out exactly what GTG thinks a task is, and then go about comparing it to other tools, including (in no particular order) Tracker, Hamster, Zeitgeist, Planner, and more.

Understanding these relationships is key to making GTG! work together closely and intelligently with whatever set of other applications each user prefers, ultimately giving them the freedom to work in the way they want.


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