
I've been looking for this song for years. I've found a shitty, skippy 80 kbps mp3 of it. I am willing to buy the album to hear more. Apparently Nine Big Dogs were around in Canada from 1990-1992, released one album called Bite and one of the members went on to help found the Killjoys, though he didn't record with them. Someone has mentioned that Alan Cross might have used this song on a History of New Rock segment. Any info is appreciated.

Now Playing: Nine Big Dogs - Bite - Dougie's Lament

Dougie's not like any other man, no no no He's not from anywhere near here Dougie comes from some far away land He's been cruising now for 20 light-years His journey him by a little blue planet Thought he'd stop to stock up on some fresh supplies It started off as just another friendly visit But those native girls, they got a big surprise, yeah 'Cause now there's little green babies With antennas on their ears Singing, "Daddy, won't you please come home?" But Daddy's gone to Mars He's looking for a drug store that sells… Intergalactic prophylactic They don't make it 'round here! Intergalactic prophylactic One size fits all! It's the incredible new elastic Patent Pending! Intergalactic prophylactic Comes complete with lubrication Guaranteed to get any man Out of a tight situation And back in again EVEN A MAN AS BIG AS YOU? … Yes. Oooh, no no no no Dougie's bigger than your average man I don't believe it, but I go by what the ladies say He's learned the in and outs of space travel, and yeah He's taught them all 'bout the Milky Way They locked him up, he's doing eight to ten, but then again That's what you get for when you've been so naughty Lucky for Dougie he's got a good friend, All he's gotta do is say to him, "Beam me up, Scotty!" And now there's little green babies With antennas on their ears Singing, "Daddy, won't you please come home?" But Daddy's gone to Mars He's looking for a drug store that sells… Intergalactic prophylactic They don't make it 'round here! Intergalactic prophylactic One size fits all! It's the incredible new elastic Patent Pending! Intergalactic prophylactic It's reusable! Intergalactic prophylactic Machine-washable! Intergalactic prophylactic Indestructible! Intergalactic prophylactic Tax-deductible! Intergalactic prophylactic That's a lot of bull! Intergalactic prophylactic Comes complete with lubrication Guaranteed to get any man Out of a tight situation And back in again EVEN A MAN AS BIG AS YOU? … Yes. Even a man as big as me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


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