
Now back in res and unpacking. My suite is thoroughly awesome, pictures forthcoming. Hope everyone the best for their weeks of orientation and beginning the fall term.

Also, the new cell is in… LG TM250, Bell Mobility, 200 anytime minutes, unlimited weekends, voicemail, call display, etc. $31 per month AFTER all taxes and charges, $25 startup. I quite like it. Bob, however, has informed me that using the free leather case just because it’s free, and wearing the phone on my belt is not only unkosher, it’s also something that smacks of baby-boomerism. So I’ve stopped.

Anyways, ask me for my number if you want it. For the present, there’s more unpacking, socializing and mounting of posters I should get done. Cheers!

Now Playing: RJD2 - Since We Last Spoke - 07 - To All Of You


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